Monday, February 7, 2011

Bring a New Hamster

Posted by BelajarTI 1:35 AM, under | No comments

Before you buy any pet, make sure you have a home set up for them to minimize the stress of adjusting to a new home. If you are bringing home a new hamster soon, here is a list of supplies you will need before you get your hamster.

Get a cage that is large enough, escape-proof, and easy to clean. While the modular cages with tubes are fun, they can be difficult to clean and poor on ventilation (and the tubes can be too small for some Syrian hamsters). Never underestimate the ability of a hamster to escape as they can fit through pretty small spaces and can chew through plastic walls surprisingly quickly. If you are getting a Syrian hamster, keep in mind that many cages marketed for hamsters will be on the small side. Conversely, dwarf hamsters can often squeeze through the bars of an average hamster cage.

Bedding and Nesting Material
Avoid cedar and pine wood chips; aspen is a safer option. You can also use many of the newer paper or other fiber-based beddings.
Hamsters love a cozy nest for napping. However, the cotton nesting materials found a pet stores is unecessary (and can cause problems if eater or wrapped around toes). Shredded toilet paper or facial tissues are an excellent nesting material (and economical too).

Choose a good quality food for your hamster. Pelleted foods offer a good nutritional balance and for many hamsters are a better option than loose food mixes. With a loose mix (seeds and other items), your hamster might pick out what they like and leave what they don't, which could result in a dietary imbalance. A pelleted mix can be supplemented with a variety of other items though.

Food Dishes
A shallow, small, but heavy bowl is ideal -- anything that won't be easily tipped. A small ceramic or porcelain crock is ideal, as it is sturdy and won't be chewed up.

Water Bottle
A hanging bottle with a stainless stell spout and ball is the most commonly used water container for hamsters. A bowl is too likely to be spilled, dirtied or filled with bedding.

Exercise Wheel
Hamsters love to run, and need the exercise. Do not largest, best quality wheel you can. It should have a solid surface for running and ideally no cross supports (that might catch a leg or neck), so look for one that mounts on the side of the cage. Make sure the wheel is quiet as well, since hamsters run at night (especially if your hamster will be in your room).

House / Hide
Your hamster will appreciate a private getaway for sleeping. It can be as simple as a small cardboard box (will have to be replaced often, but economical), a plastic hide box (may be chewed up), a wooden box (may be chewed or get soiled and smelly), or other things like a half coconut shell, or a small clay plant pot.

In addition to a wheel, you hamster should have a variety of things to chew on and climb on.

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