Friday, February 11, 2011

Why Do Hamsters Like to Fight?

Posted by BelajarTI 4:34 PM, under | No comments

Why do hamsters like to fight? Hamsters are animals who are accustomed to living alone. So if any other hamster they did not like, they will fight. Hamsters can get together and not fight with his own family. But when he entered the 11 weeks, they will be separated from its mother. They will store its own food. That is the sign that a hamster has grown. Visit : Tanya Ne...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Care for Hamsters

Posted by BelajarTI 9:43 PM, under | No comments

Replace this sand every week or 2 weeks with new sand. After a week or two weeks, this sand will look dirty because it mixed with dirt and food scraps. If you want a little trouble, which is already in use sand can be washed, dried, and reused. How to wash, sand used was soaked first so dirt and food scraps float so easy to be removed and separated from the sand. Give enough food and drinks. For...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Handling and Tame Your Hamster

Posted by BelajarTI 1:16 AM, under | No comments

Handling hamsters is one of the joys of having hamsters, but until you have had success at taming your hamster, you will not have much luck holding your hamster. Hamster do sometimes bite, but it is very important to remember that if your hamster bites, it means that your hamster is frightened and is defending itself the best way it knows how. If you are consistently calm and gentle about handling...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Food for Your Hamster

Posted by BelajarTI 1:32 AM, under | No comments

If you want to take care your hamster food, there is a list of food that are safe for your hamster to eat. Remember that sugar should be avoided with Campbell's dwarves as they are prone to diabetes so no fruits, corn, peas or carrots for them or anything containing alot of sugars. All new foods should be introduced slowly to avoid upsetting the hamster's stomach and/or causing diarrhea. A good...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bring a New Hamster

Posted by BelajarTI 1:35 AM, under | No comments

Before you buy any pet, make sure you have a home set up for them to minimize the stress of adjusting to a new home. If you are bringing home a new hamster soon, here is a list of supplies you will need before you get your hamster. Cage Get a cage that is large enough, escape-proof, and easy to clean. While the modular cages with tubes are fun, they can be difficult to clean and poor on ventilation...

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